Sunday, January 11, 2009

Turkeys say, "Gobble Gobble"

Moe Thinks Coupons Are Boring

Today started off with the whole family getting up earlier, so we could make it to church by 8:30AM. Paul, Andrea, and I stayed up pretty late trying to figure out how to fix the computer. One of the hinges broke a while back, but last night the second hinge broke on the laptop. We would like to just replace the case, but we are not sure if that is possible. Let's hope it is because buying a new laptop is not exactly in the budget.

Back to today. After we left church, we stopped at Kroger so that I could stock up on Lean Ground Turkey. This week it is 10 for $10 for 1lb, which you can not beat! So, I bought 40lbs! Not to mention it was purchased with the gift card we received for Christmas from Paul's parents, so there was no out of pocket expense. I know these may seem a little extreme, but we will definitely eat it and I am actually thinking about buying more. Some of you know this about me, but I don't eat red meat, so any time white meat goes on sale I stock up. Blame my Mom for finding me a deep freeze on her school system website for my obsession with stockpiling foods. And did I mention the deep freezer was FREE!! Yes, FREE to whomever showed up to pick it up first!

The rest of my day was spent with my stepdad, Randy and I trying to work on my webpage design. We are still working on it, so stay tuned!

I also planned my grocery list for the month and clipped lots of coupons to go with it, so I will definitely post about my first bargain grocery trip later this week.

Turkeys say Gobble Gobble

My Turkey Transaction:
40 1lb Honeysuckle 93/7 Lean Ground Turkey = $40
2 6pk English Muffins = $.59 each (Manager's Special)

Total Before Coupons and Store Savings:$103.40
Total Spent after Taxes: $41.39
Percent Saved: 60%

Used Gift Card Meaning $0.00 OOP

$1 a day Per Person Food Challenge
Day 5: January 11, 2009

2 pieces of toast w/ 1tbsp butter: $.10

South Beach Cereal Bar: Free

Whole Grain Waffle and Lite Syrup: $.15
Half Apple Juice/Half Water: $.05

All of Us:
Fabulous Sunday Lunch at my Mom's and Randy's House: Free

All of Us:
Leftovers from Lunch: Free

Total Spent for the Day: $.30

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